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Board Positions


2019 – Present

Rofin Sinarwww.rofin.com

2015 – 2016

ROFIN (now Coherent-Rofin) was a leading developer and manufacturer of lasers and laser based technologies for industrial material processing applications. I was appointed to the board to provide the perspective and expertise of a well respected and knowledgeable laser industry insider.

Key Board accomplishments included working with new CEO to manage global competitive and operational challenges, identify areas for improvement to top and bottom lines, evaluate potential M&A targets, and update corporate by-laws and exec comp plans through the Nom/Gov and Comp committees. I dealt with the challenges of a high profile proxy fight brought on by an activist shareholder, and engaged in the successful negotiation and sale of the company in a transaction valued at over $940M, adding >40% premium to shareholder value.